Thursday, January 14, 2010

Avett Brothers: Murder in the City | Once Over Review

I think 'The South', as in 'The South of America', not to be confused with 'South America', all too often gets a bad rap. I mean, if I said "Hey, you there, give me your best Dumb Hick impression", you would likely no nothing else but speak with a Southern accent. Plus the whole slavery thing. Also George Bush.

But my point is that I think this is entirely unfair. I have a brother in law from The South, and a few college buddies, and whereas they certainly personify many hilarious stereotypes, they are also some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life.

But that's not my point. Well, not exactly at lest. Another thing I have found 'Southerners' to be exceptionally good at time and time again, is music. So much absolutely fantastic music comes out of the south, and the Avett Brothers have proved to be no exception.

Hailing from Concord, North Carolina, the folk-rock trio comprises of brothers Scott and Seth Avett and Bob Crawford, who does not appear to be related to them...

OK, so the name 'Avett Brothers' is a little misleading. It should be something more like 'The Avett Brothers and Some Other Guy' or 'The Avett Brothers Plus 1' or 'The Avett Brothers and Buddy who needs some Money'. But hey, I got out of the music biz a long time ago, I'll leave these decisions up to the pro's.

But all that aside, how bout that song eh? Why do I like it? I'm gonna try to keep this short and sweet.

1. The Music Industry has splintered. On the one hand you have extremely produced, auto-tuned music (Brittany Spears), and on the other hand you have guy who records his whole album alone in a cabin (Bon Iver). Am I a purest? I would never answer that myself, but yes. I am. I'm sick of the music industry monster and I think there is something so compelling about a person, their instrument, and a powerfully written song. Avett Brothers are that.

2. Murder in the City has a cool juxtaposition going on. Audibly, the song is super folksy, and down-to-earth. But lyrically we are in an urban ghetto, a Compton if you will. Which I find to be very engaging and original.

3. It's true what they say, there is no harmony like family harmony. The boys can sing.

So, maybe you knew about these guys, maybe not. Their single out right now is called 'I and Love and You' and it's also great. You can check out more of their stuff on the Avett Brothers Myspace

Song gets a 7.5/10. Easy listening to, enjoyable, pleasent. But, there's still that problem with the misleading band name. Maybe 'The Avett Brothers and the Craw-Dog'. No, that's not it... but I'm getting closer.


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