Monday, January 18, 2010

X-Men Origins: Wolverine | Once Over Review

My wife and I got the X-Men box-set for Christmas with all three movies and just got finished watching it. We love those movies, and what's not to love?

Deep down everyone wants to be a super hero. The upcoming movie Kick Ass is a clear testament to that fact. When I was a kid... and sometimes still, I wonder what sort of mutant superpower I might have. Of course, I was never creative enough to really think of anything original, so I would end up just wanting to be like one of the X-Men, namely, Wolverine.

First off, Wolverine is Canadian, which just kicks ass. He's a troubled, bad ass street fighter with a tough exterior and a heart of gold.

Just like Michael Ignatieff

Secondly, He is indestructible, nothing you can do can hurt or kill him. That's just cool on so many levels.

Finally, he has claws. CLAWS people!

So the big question is... How come a movie dedicated to his story, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, was sooooo lame? This thought from a commenter on movie rating site Rotten Tomatoes sheds some light:

"The filmmakers couldn't decide what to cut out, so they threw everything into the pot and hoped for the best. The results are half interesting, but half filler."
Well said chap. Well said indeed.

This is a bloody shame. The movie was all the more a let down because the other X-Men movies were so cool.

Sadly, Wolverine seemed like a cheesy, money maker spin off of a solid brand. And I don't think I would have cared so much if it was any other character.... but Wolverine? So much wasted potential.

5/10. You can see it if you want, just don't expect what you get with the other X-Men, cause you wont get it.

Until Next Time...

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